WBI Learnings Tools Utilized
In their work “The Comparative Effectiveness of Web-Based and Classroom Instruction: A Meta-Analysis”, Traci Sitzman et al. analyze previous studies to induce inferences;
WBI has several advantages that may result in WBI being more effective than other delivery media. WBI represents a nonlinear instructional medium that may encourage deeper processing and cognitive flexibility in learners (Spiro & Jehng, 1990) by allowing trainees to more effectively integrate new information with existing knowledge (Salomon, 1988). WBI may also be a superior medium to the extent that it offers a cluster of instructional methods (e.g., text, audio, graphics, synchronous and asynchronous communication) that can be tailored to meet individual needs. (Spiro & Jehng., and Saloman as cited in Sitzman, T. et al., 2006, p. 625)
For this self-directed learning project, I chose to learn about a computer based technology using resources I found online. I found many of these resources by using the Google Search Engine and the search feature in the WordPress platform itself. By searching with key terms, or questions I was able to find a wealth of computer assisted instructional learning objects to choose from; WordPress branded asynchronous video tutorials, online training and instructional manuals (often in blog format) and other informal resources. Additionally, I exploited informal resources including help forums, examples and demos (usually of WordPress themes), advertising and promotional assets.
Figure. 3 and Figure 4 [two Screenshots from same page of a WP Beginner tutorial blog] https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-put-images-side-by-side-in-wordpress/.
In any WordPress branded or supported resources, additional links, resources and suggested topics were strategically included. These encouraged a non-linear progression, which presumed an authentic approach but could also lead the consumer of the information (the learner) far off topic.